Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Success... and Failure

Sounds like a Russian novel.  Or a Woody Allen spoof.

"A Family Day Out' has been accepted by 'Pig in a Poke'.  Hurray!  Always one of my favourite stories and featuring my favourite muse (who I hope doesn't recognise himself), it will appear in the January issue.

Got feedback from 'Writers Forum' on 'The Internet Bride'.   They were generally quite positive, although I never thought it was good enough to appear in the mag.  I'm glad I got the professional feedback.  It doesn't hurt to punch above your weight sometimes.

Bit fed up with mags which don't bother to reply.  Two stories in particular are going begging:  a story about a computer who talks and a children's story about two cats.  I am considering resubbing in the next day or two.

My favourite muse has gone on the student demos and come out unscathed.  I'm so cross with him for putting himself in danger and yet I'm writing my novel about people who put themselves in much greater danger.  I'm trying to tap into my feelings of anxiety as a protester's mother and his frustration at me for being that way.

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